Cookies Policy


Privacy Policy

PRIM, S.A., in accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, hereby notifies the users of the website (hereinafter the Website) of the Privacy and Data Protection Policy applicable to the processing of personal data that the User voluntarily provides when accessing its site.

The User, by providing PRIM, S.A. with personal data through the electronic forms of the Website, contact section, and, where appropriate, by marking the corresponding acceptance box expressly agrees that PRIM, S.A. can process such data under the terms of this Privacy Policy and Data Protection clause and for the purposes expressed herein.

PRIM, S.A. hereby informs users of the Website that their personal data may only be obtained for processing when appropriate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the specific and explicit purpose for which it has been obtained. It will be cancelled when it is no longer necessary or relevant for that purpose, or when requested by the holder in the exercise of their cancellation right.

PRIM, S.A. states its commitment to comply with the law in force at all times in terms of data protection, and any other applicable law.

The personal data provided will be treated in accordance with the following Personal Data Protection Information:

Additional information
Entity Responsible PRIM, S.A., holder of tax identification number A28165587 and domiciled at Avenida del Llano Castellano, 43 Planta 3, 28034 Madrid

Data Protection Office Contact:

Main objectives To answer the queries of Users who contact us through the Contact or Forms sections enabled.
Provide the service requested by the User. Management of the platform. Exchange of information and opinions of products among users. Maintenance of the platform worldwide so that opinions can be viewed by all users across the globe.
Legitimacy and conservation The basis for processing the data is the consent granted by the User by marking the corresponding acceptance box, if applicable.

If you do not provide the necessary data for these purposes, it will be impossible to provide our services. The data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and its removal is not requested and, in any case, in compliance with statutory deadlines applicable to it.

Additional objectives The user’s email contact information may be used to send advertisements and other commercial communications about our products and/or services, provided that you have expressly authorized it by marking the corresponding acceptance box.
User information may be used for statistical purposes, after it has been previously rendered anonymous, in order to analyse the behaviour and trends of Users and assess how to improve the services we provide to them.

It may also be used to detect and investigate fraud, as well as other illegal activities and potential breaches of our Privacy Policy and/or Terms of Use.

Legitimacy and conservation The use of your email in the terms indicated above will require your consent by checking the corresponding box. The data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and its removal is not requested and, in any case, in compliance with statutory deadlines applicable to it.
Recipients of disclosures No data transfers are planned.

Companies of the PRIM Group (consult to offer, by any means (electronic or not) information on products and/or services of the Group and other commercial information, provided you have expressly authorized it by marking the corresponding acceptance box.

Rights of interested parties Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, suppression, portability and limitation or opposition by writing to PRIM, S.A., stating “exercise rights of data protection” or through the following electronic address:
Interested parties have the right to withdraw consent.
Interested parties have the right to complain to the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency

The user will be solely responsible for the accuracy of the data provided to PRIM, S.A.

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the forms enabled on the Website are mandatory, so if you fail to complete any of them you cannot continue with your submission.

PRIM, S.A. manages its server environment properly and has a firewall infrastructure that requires strict compliance. It continuously uses current technologies to ensure that the confidentiality and privacy of the information is not compromised. The Website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol to improve security. SSL is the sector’s standard technology used to protect and maintain the security of message transmissions over the Internet. By accessing your accounts or sending information from secure Internet pages, encryption will code your data in an unreadable format to prevent unauthorized users from accessing this type of data.

To this end, technical and organizational measures are adopted to guarantee the security of personal data contained in same and to prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, nature of the data and the risks to which it is exposed.

Any changes made to the Privacy Policy and information management practices will be reflected in a timely manner, and PRIM, S.A. may add, modify or remove such privacy policy when deemed necessary.

PRIM, S.A. will not modify policies or practices under any circumstances to make them less effective in protecting the previously stored personal data of our clients, without the prior consent of those affected.

Legal Notice


This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website (hereinafter the Website) owned by PRIM, S.A. (hereinafter, the Company), domiciled at Avenida del Llano Castellano, 43 Planta 3, 28034 Madrid; holder of tax identification number A28165587; registered in the Company Register of Madrid no. 3652- Section 8 – Folio 1 – Page M61451, Entry 36.7-10.92 and with email address

The use of the Website requires express acceptance by the user of each clause indicated in this Legal Notice, as well as each of the specific warnings or clauses established for the contracting of certain services, products or use of areas of same.

In the event of non-acceptance of the clauses established in this Legal Notice, the user must refrain from accessing and/or using the services and/or contents made available on the Website and leave same.


The user undertakes not to use the Website to carry out activities contrary to the law, morals or public order and, in general, to make use of same in accordance with the conditions established in this Legal Notice. It is also obliged not to carry out advertising or commercial activities by sending messages with a false identity.

PRIM, S.A. is exclusively responsible for the Website and provides information about its own services. It is not responsible for the contents that, contrary to these general conditions, users may send or publish, whereby the user is the only one responsible for the veracity and lawful nature of same.

PRIM, S.A. may interrupt the service of the Website that is being used and immediately terminate the relationship with the user if it detects misuse of same or any of the services offered therein that it considers contrary to the provisions of this Legal Notice.

(For cases where the user is provided with keys to access restricted areas)

When connecting to the Internet users should adopt the following precautionary measures in addition to taking into account the basic aspects of computer protection:

  • Use up-to-date versions of browsers.
  • When accessing the restricted access area, ensure that the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security protocol is used to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the information provided.
  • Browse known websites.
  • Do not accept the execution of programmes whose download occurs automatically, if you do not trust the sources of said download.
  • In the event that public or shared computers are used with third parties, confirm that the automatic password reminder option is not activated.
  1. Password protection.

The passwords provided are strictly confidential so it will be the responsibility of the user to ensure that they are properly used and safeguarded.

Therefore, passwords should not be written on paper or on computer documents.

You may change the password periodically. In this case, it is recommended that the password chosen be difficult to decipher, avoiding the use of your birthday, telephone number, etc.

  1. Antivirus protection.

Viruses are programmes that are installed on the computer, usually hidden from the owner, and prejudicial to the user’s computer (for example, they destroy files or the disk, spread to other computers or cause a computer malfunction). To avoid eventual virus infections, you should:

  • Have updated antivirus software, so consult the manufacturer’s instructions for the programme to keep the automatic update active.
  • Use the antivirus to analyse documents received by electronic means or that come from external means like portable devices.
  • Install programmes that come from secure sources that do not infringe intellectual property rights.
  • You should install an anti-spyware system to avoid spyware. You should also configure a spam filter system to limit remittance of unwanted bulk mail.
  • In case you receive unsolicited e-mails, it is advisable to confirm their remittance with the sender or delete the message directly. It should never be opened even if it comes from a known sender.
  • Do not engage in chain letters or resend mail indiscriminately.
  • Do not execute the attached files directly, it is much safer to extract them previously to a computer directory.

Having an anti-virus programme does not ensure total protection of the user’s computer, mainly due to two reasons: that it is too new to be detected by the programme’s virus library or it shows a “false positive”, meaning that a programme contains in its programming code sequences that are similar to a virus.


The whole of this Website: text, images, marks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, order and presentation of its contents, is protected by Intellectual Property and Industrial laws, whereby its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use.

PRIM, S.A. does not guarantee that the contents are accurate or free of error or that the free use of same by the user does not infringe the rights of third parties. The user is responsible for the good or bad use of this website and its contents.

It is also prohibited to reproduce, retransmit, copy, transfer or rebroadcast, in whole or in part, the information contained in the Website, whatever its purpose and the means used to do so, without prior authorization from PRIM, S.A.


The Website can include links to third party sites. Third party websites have not been reviewed nor are they subject to controls by PRIM, S.A. In any case, PRIM, S.A. cannot be held responsible for the content of these websites or for the measures adopted regarding their privacy or to the processing of personal data.

PRIM, S.A. recommends careful reading of the conditions of use and the privacy policy of these sites.

In case you are interested in activating a link to any of the PRIM, S.A. websites, you will have to communicate this, obtaining express consent to create the link. PRIM, S.A. reserves the right to oppose the activation of links to its website.


Unauthorized minors are forbidden to access and use the portal.

PRIM, S.A. reminds users who are over 18 years of age who have minors in their care, that they will be solely responsible for determining which services and/or contents are not appropriate for the age of the latter.

PRIM, S.A. informs that there are computer programmes that filter and block access to certain content and services, so that parents or guardians, for example, can decide what Internet content and services children can access and which they cannot.


PRIM, S.A. will not be directly or indirectly responsible for:

  • Service quality, access speed, correct operation or availability or continuous operation of the Website.
  • Damage that may be caused to the user’s equipment by the use of the Website.
  • Cases in which a third party accesses messages or uses them for remittance of computer viruses, thus breaking the established security measures.
  • Vices and defects of all kinds of content transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available.
  • The legality, reliability and usefulness of the content that users transmit by means of the website or services offered on it, as well as its truthfulness or accuracy. PRIM, S.A. does not control use of the Website by users, nor does it guarantee that they do so in accordance with the provisions of this Legal Notice.
  • Update of the contents offered in the news sections.

Users will be responsible for the following, including but not limited to:

  • Content entered by them, especially data and information, and sent to PRIM, S.A. by means of or on the Website.
  • Performance of any type of illegal action, be it damaging to rights, harmful and/or prejudicial.
  • Safeguarding of their username and password, which they must not communicate to third parties, in order to avoid impersonations or providing untrue or incorrect data.


This Legal Notice is written in English, and is subject to current Spanish legislation. Upon acceptance by the parties of the clauses established in this Legal Notice, all disputes arising from the use of the services offered or the content of the website will be submitted to the competent Madrid Courts.

Latest update: 1 February 2018